Sarah Slappey’s Story

What did you make during the residency?

I made several small paintings with imagery that was new to me at the time. It was the first time I experimented with painting bums, which has now become a large part of my work. The change in scenery was a good time for me to mix things up in my imagery.

What was your highlight of your time in London?

Without a doubt, spending time with Oli, Aindrea and my fellow residents was the highlight of my time there. Aside from that, I really loved getting to know London and the amazing art, architecture and history that lives in that city. It's one of my favourite places in the world.

What connections did you make during the residency?

My most meaningful connections were with the residents and Oli also introduced us to fellow artists, curators, and gallerists working in London. We spent time all over the city at openings, parties, and dinners with people in the London art scene, many who I've stayed in touch with.

Was there anything that surprised you about your experience?

I'm used to working alone in the studio, so I was pleasantly surprised to mix that up and have a shared and social working environment. It made me realise how much I miss having those daily connections with fellow artists, and it's something I came back to NYC craving.

What’s happened to you in the last 18 months since PLOP?

Quite a bit has happened since my time at PLOP! I've opened two solo shows (one in NYC and one in Zurich), several group shows, including two in London, and my first museum group show curated by Oli in Austria. PLOP was definitely a jumping off point for several of those opportunities.


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Andrew Pierre Hart